Your Baby's Developmental Milestones

Baby development and growth is one of the major concerns of a new parent, specially for the moms who worry too much about their little one's weight/height gain. For them, every millimeter and milligram counts! And that's natural. We are moms - we are "programmed" this way.

When our baby is born, most of us compare the little one's weight (and all other possible dimensions) with that of other babies born in the family or neighborhood. We then continue to do so for all the important baby milestones such as starting on solids, teething, potty training, sleeping routine, crawling and walking, etc. But babies don't come with a calendar. We need to understand this. Each baby grows and develops at his own pace and will eventually achieve all his milestones sooner or later. If there is anything to worry about, your doctor will point it out, or you can convey your concerns to your doctor in your next scheduled appointment.

Here we will help you keep track of your newborn's growth and developmental milestones, informing you what your newborn baby will do next...till he blows his first birthday candle. Exciting, isn't it?

Let's get started with the newborn milestones...

Developmental milestones of full term babies:

Click the links below to get a week by week insight on baby development, not only physically but in terms of behavior as well.

Baby Development - Week by Week:

For month by month baby progress analysis, click the required links below:

Month 1 : (Week 1          Week 2          Week 3          Week 4)

Month 2        Month 3         Month 4         Month 5       

Month 6        Month 7         Month 8         Month 9  

Month 10      Month 11       Month 12

Development of premature babies:

If you are a proud parent of a preterm baby (also referred to as a preemie or a premature baby), you may be quite anxious to know about the developmental milestones your preemie is going to achieve. Read our article on preemie development here.

Encourage but accept!

It is no secret that every baby grows and develops at his/her own pace. Every parent knows this, right? But only few understand and accept this. It is important to encourage your baby to achieve different developmental milestones, but at the same time, it is more important to respect the fact that each baby is different from the other, even if we are talking about multiple births (twins or triplets) or siblings.

What should be my baby's ideal weight?

As your baby gets older, there needs to be a ratio for the weight gain. If your child is slightly below or above the range but is active, there is nothing to worry about. Talk to your doctor regarding baby development in case you are not satisfied with the growth of your little one.
Check out your baby's Ideal Weight Chart here...


One of the misconceptions most mothers (of lean babies) have is that giving their baby a thicker doze of formula milk will make the baby gain weight. Wrong! It may only lead to severe constipation, painful gasses, vomiting, diarrhea, and a seriosly disturbed digestive system.

The Vitamin K controversy:

If you have been hearing a lot about the merits and demerits of having a Vitamin K shot for your baby at birth time, we are here to help. Find out all the relevant information by clicking here - it's comprehensive and a must read for all new parents and parents-to-be.

Don't forget the vaccinations:

I would have loved to give you a vaccination chart here, but every country has different vaccination requirements due to the prevailing medical threats in that part of the world. For this reason, you may find some vaccinations termed as very important in few countries while others won't even bother listing them.

At the time of birth, your doctor may have given you a vaccination chart. Follow it religiously. 

Whether your baby development is slow or fast, enjoy each day as it comes, 'cuz these days sure aren't coming back! 

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