Your 2 Month Old Baby:
Weeks 5 - 8
How is life with your 2 month old baby? You must be loving the compliments your baby gets. Let's take a look at how your baby is going to develop his skills this month. But please keep in mind that baby development may vary due to many factors; therefore this is just a ballpark analysis of your baby's growth and development.
Week 5
In week # 5 observe the following points:
- Out of sight, out of mind: Your baby's memory is developing at a rapid pace. He recognized your voice, even from inside the womb and can now relate to your voice and you in the outside world. And if you are breastfeeding your newborn, he definitely recognizes your body's smell. However, the recollection of his rattles and toys is still not fully developed. He might enjoy a certain bright object but as it becomes out of sight, it instantly becomes out of his mind.
- Eye coordination: A major development that takes place at this stage is his eye coordination. He can now focus with both eyes. Bright objects with bold designs certainly catch his attention.
- Not a happy fish? If your baby dreads bath time, try making his bath experience enjoyable for him. Click here to know how to fill your baby's bathtub with love and giggles.
Many mothers reduce the frequency and duration of bathtimes if they feel that the newborn baby has an extremely dry skin. This should not be the approach. Instead, it is a good idea to give baby an oil-massage an hour before putting him in the water. This way his skin will absorb some oil and won’t be too dry after the bath. Also, use oil-based baby products.
Week 6
Soon your little one will be 2 month old. In your 6 week old baby, observe the following points:
- Shy: Your baby might look more comfortable in his home around his parents than in front of strangers. So, if you introduce your newborn to another couple and your baby does not give them the same giggly gesture as he gives you or your spouse, do not worry. It’s natural. The first six weeks are very important for the baby to get an idea about the outside world.
- Responds to the surroundings: Around this time, your baby would start to become more alert on surrounding sounds. If he hears the sound of a grinder, vacuum cleaner, telephone or ever door bell, he may react. This reaction could be in the form of crying or in some sort of enjoyment. Different babies respond to sounds differently. Find out what sounds your baby like and what he detests.
- Variation in response: You might also note that your 6 week old baby gives different kinds of response to different stuffed toys or rattles. He may not want to see a certain cute and cuddly teddy bear but on the other hand, might stare a very ordinary looking toy, attentively. You can also create your baby's rattle at home with zero cost.
- Mother's checkup: By this time or before your baby is 2 month old, you would also be going to your doctor for a checkup. Talk to your doctor about the issues you have, whether it is sleep deprivation or baby blues. Ask him about iron and calcium supplements, as you may need to take them if you are feeling sluggish due to iron deficiency. The lethargic feeling might be due to a number of reasons, primarily due to the hormones (pregnancy and delivery triggers them) as well as you being over-burdened with work. Make sure your doctor performs different tests on you including TSH (Thyroid test for Hypothyroidism or Hyperthyroidism).
- Contraceptive measures: Also ask your doctor if you need to take any contraceptives as you may now be able to conceive. If you are exclusively breast feeding your 6 week old baby, you are unlikely to get pregnant and may not need any contraceptive measures at this time, but then, you do not want to take any risks. Let me repeat: No risks, please.

Week 7
In week # 7 observe the following points:
- Talk to your baby: Your 7 week old baby may enjoy hearing you now more than ever. Try talking to him and telling him what you are doing. Involve him. He will like it. Also, talk to your baby in his language – hums, coos and those little sounds your baby makes. He would be able to relate to them.
- Begins un-rounding: By this time, the little one would start un-rounding, that is, the curled up position that he earlier had, he is now transforming into a rather straight baby.
- Learning body control: He may also try to lift his head up when on his belly. This is a big milestone on your baby’s part as he is learning body control.
- Nanny-hunt: If you are considering to go back to work in a couple of weeks or months, this is the right time to hunt for the perfect nanny or nursery for your 2 month old baby. Whether you want to send your baby to a nursery or prefer a nanny in your own home, you need to do some research about it and make a decision that suits you the best. Even if you plan to work from home, it would be a good idea to have a nanny around so that you could concentrate on your work. You can talk to your friends and colleagues about the choices they made, but make sure every one has a different situation, so analyze which approach best suits you.
Your baby is soon going to be 2 month old! Isn't it so exciting? :)
Week 8
The last week of the second month has arrived! On week 8, observe the following points in your 2 months old cuppycake:
- Your curious little kitten: Your baby may now be more curious about the sounds and noises he hears. You may find him searching for the source of a certain sound.
- Budgeting: If you are bottle-feeding, you may have a clear idea about the
formula-milk and sterilization (liquid or machine) expenses, so it may
help you in making the monthly budget. Also, after two months with your
baby, you may have a clear idea about the packets of nappies, shampoo,
lotion, baby oil, etc that he uses per month, so that you can do the
shopping before hand and also note that in your budget.
A frugal approach is to make baby-wipes at home with minimum expense and hassle - learn how to do that by clicking here.
- Vaccinations: Make sure you keep a track of your baby’s vaccination chart. You baby’s vaccination might be due this week or when he is exactly 2 month old (depending upon which region are you living in and what your doctor suggests), so make sure you do not forget it.
Your 2 month old baby is now happily on his developmental highway. Make sure you go through our very important sections on Baby Care and Baby Health for all the help you need. It's always better to know about things in advance than to worry at 2 a.m, isn't it?
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Baby Development - Week by Week:
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