Do you want to raise a Healthy Baby?

If you want to raise a healthy baby, you need to know your newborn's risk factors and how to handle the situation. We have compiled a jackpot of baby health care information for you. The equation is simple:

Healthy baby = Happy Baby = Happy Parents = Happier Life!

Here is a list of common baby illnesses and concerns, and what you should do about them:

Corona Virus Outbreak!

The Controversial Issues:

Bottle or Breast?

Till your baby reaches the age of 6 months, all s/he should have is milk. Healthy beginnings lead to a healthy life. So make sure you are satisfied with whatever choice you make between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding (or you can use a combination of both). You can always weigh the advantages and disadvantages of both feeding techniques to come up with the technique that suits you the most.

Prevention is better than cure!

How can we prevent our baby from falling sick? The answer is simple.

1. Make sure the surroundings are clean and baby equipment (feeding bottles, pacifiers, breast-pump, and teethers, etc.) are properly sterilized.

2. Newborn babies don't go out too often, but they still need a bath. Check out our Baby Bath section to know when (and how) to bathe them and when to use a sponge instead.

3. Make sure you have baby-proofed your home wisely, and specially taken care of the areas that are mostly forgotten.

4. Ensure your baby is sleeping well.

5. Massages are so under-rated! If you don't do it already, give your little one a 5-minute daily massage and see the difference. Your baby will sleep well and feel good. Don't we all feel relaxed after a good massage, then why won't our baby feel the same? 

A Healthy baby is a Happy baby!

It is wiser to understand what your baby is going through and control the situation, instead of running to the doctor every time your baby misses a poop or gets his/her nose blocked. A lot of times parents can easily handle the situation at home, saving time, money and effort. Even in case of serious issues, it is better to have an idea about various baby health problems so you can identify on time. A healthy baby is a happy baby. And who doesn't want to have one?

Become your newborn's first and foremost doctor - just a cry away!

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