With every Newborn Baby,
a Parent is also born!

If you are reading this, you either had a newborn baby or are expecting one.  Congratulations!

Back in the days, new parents specially new mums had their own mothers (and often grandmother too) to help them learn how to take care of a newborn baby. In many cultures the grandma of the baby used to come at the delivery time and stay until the baby is almost a month old

New mum could then learn baby basics like how to wrap the newborn, massage and bathe him/her, make a sleep routine, decode what the early stools mean, determine when the baby feels sick, a masterclass on breastfeeding and other early parenting stuff.

This week's handpicked articles for your newborn baby:

Things are different now and most parents are on their own. If you wish newborns should come with a user-manual, today is your lucky day!

Even if you have become a parent before, you will realize that raising a baby is different each time. Every baby is different, we all live in different situations and face different challenges; but one factor is common between all parents: our immense love for our baby. So how about if you bring in the love, we give you all the help, and together let's raise a happy, healthy baby - what do you say?

Come, dig in. Explore, learn, comment, share and bookmark the site for future use. You will really need it for the first few years. And we would love to provide all sorts of parenting help. Newborn Hub has everything a parent would want to know...it's like having an e-mom! Lucky you!! ;-)

Parenting is something we are not really born with - we learn it by observing, reading and understanding. And that's where Newborn Hub comes in to help. And it's quite natural to ask for help. It shows that you are trying to be the best parent to your little one - and that is so good! 

All about babies...and moms...and dads!

Being concerned is natural, but are you over-doing it? Whether you are a mum or a dad, we have got you fully covered. So cherish those little fingers and toes, and before you know it, they will grow up fast!

Didn't find what you were looking for? Are you sure you checked the Menu? Did you "Search" for it? We have got plenty of useful stuff on every topic. Still if you feel we need to write about something, suggest us a topic and we will leave you a special thank you note!

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