7 Months Old:
Baby Developmental Milestones (Weeks 25 - 28)

You have reached the month 7 of baby developmental milestones. Your little one is six months old now – it must be a wonderful feeling. Keep a track of the following developmental milestones this month...

Week 25

  1. Started solids yet? Generally, doctors recommend that by the sixth month, you should start adding solids in your baby’s diet. But don’t worry if your child keeps on spitting it out. It’s a new flavor and texture for him, so give him time to like what he is eating. Remember, you need to keep him giving his milk (breast or formula) along with this new semi-solid diet.
  2. Teething: If you are still waiting for the first glance of your child’s first tooth, this might be your lucky month. Many babies pop-up their first tooth around this age. Make sure you use your finger to feel the inside of his gums, as the tooth may not be clearly visible at first. You may notice that your baby is becoming cranky these days - it might be due to the teething pain. Read our article on Baby Teething, and how to cope with it.
  3. Taking care of the first tooth: Once you find the little pearly teeth, try cleaning it regularly with a soft brush or your finger. Use a pea-size amount of toothpaste that is recommended for his age.
  4. Sleeping soundly: You will also find that the sleep pattern of your baby is improving, and he may now sleep for a longer stretch – some babies even sleep for an un-interrupted seven hours at night by this age. Great news for baby growth!

Week 26

For your 7 months old baby developmental milestones this week will be:

  1. Lefty or right-handed? Although a lot of newborn development take place in the sixth month like your baby starts on solid foods, he may pop-up a tooth or may try to sit unsupported for sometime; yet, you still cannot tell whether your baby is going to be a lefty or not. It would be decided once your baby crosses the age of two years. Till then you may find that your little one switches hands and does not give any hand a priority.
  2. Baby teething: If you are noticing that your baby is putting everything in mouth these days and trying to bite with his gums, it’s a sign those little pearly teeth will soon emerge. Teething can be a hard process for your baby and he may cry a lot or get irritated often. Try soothing him by gently rubbing his gums with a cold spoon or giving him a soft teether or a piece of cold vegetable like a cucumber.

Week 27

Let us now talk about the week 27 of baby developmental milestones.

  1. Putting everything in mouth: You will notice that your baby is constantly putting her hand in her mouth, or any object that she can get a grip on. Even when you hold her hand, she would pull your hand towards her mouth and would try to chew it with her soft gums. This is a sign that your baby is going to have a small pearly tooth any time soon. Try soothing her gums with the help of a soft or cold object so that she would feel relieved for some time. Since your baby would be now putting everything in her mouth and would try chewing it, make sure you do not have any small toys that could choke her. Also check for loose buttons on your little one’s clothes or hair clips that she could accidentally put in her mouth. If you have a nanny, ask her to keep all the things around the baby sterilized as the baby would be mouthing almost anything she sees.
  2. Baby proofing: Double check to ensure that you have properly baby proofed your home.
  3. Eating: You may have already introduced solids in her diet. However, keep in mind that your baby still needs plenty of milk (breast or formula) for successfully achieving baby developmental milestones. Make sure you ask your doctor to make a nice feeding routine for you so that your child gets a balance of everything.

Week 28

Almost 7 month old, baby developmental milestones of your 28 week old baby are:

  1. Developing nappy rash: If your baby develops nappy rash (diaper rash) this month, it’s not uncommon. You have introduced solids in his diet – different varieties of pureed vegetables, fruit and cereals. His digestive system may find it a little hard to digest them and they may form nappy rash. Make sure you keep your baby clean and dry, and change his diapers often. Also, start his solid diet routine with basics; you can give him all the nutrients of the world from next month onwards! If, however, the rash is in the form of red pimples and it’s summer time, it might be due to heat that is trapped between the diaper and the delicate skin of your baby. Make sure your baby stays cool and dry in summers. Click here to make your own baby-wipes at home - very easy and extremely economical!
  2. Teething pain: The process of teething is one of the most important of the developmental stages but may be quite disturbing for your baby. He may seem restless especially at night. Try experimenting with things that make him happy and keep his attention off those tiny gums. Read our article on Baby Teething.
  3. We hope you are not comparing! Also, it is important for you to not compare your baby with some other baby’s development. Give your baby time to sit, wean, pop-up teeth and talk. Rushing things can only be frustrating for you as well as your baby. Enjoy each stage as it progresses.

This month was full of baby developmental milestones, whether it is teething or experimenting with solids. Your baby is entering his 8th month now. Doesn't time fly?

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Baby Development - Week by Week:

Month 1 : (Week 1          Week 2          Week 3          Week 4)

Month 2        Month 3         Month 4         Month 5       

Month 6        Month 7         Month 8         Month 9  

Month 10      Month 11       Month 12

Baby Development - Week by Week:

Month 1 : (Week 1          Week 2          Week 3          Week 4)

Month 2        Month 3         Month 4         Month 5       

Month 6        Month 7         Month 8         Month 9  

Month 10      Month 11       Month 12

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