Baby Cribs & Crib Mattress

Searching for good baby cribs (cot) can be quite exciting and confusing at the same time. The look-good versus feel-good element often perplexes a parent.

When a couple starts to plan a baby, they often dream of a crib that looks wonderful; is nice, warm and cozy, and the baby loves being in it. But as they say, looks can be deceiving. A pretty baby furniture may not just be the right one for your baby. You need to make sure that the rules and regulations for cot/bedding safety have been followed. What are these specs? Continue reading and you will end up finding the perfect nest for your little angel.

Baby Crib Specifications

  1. The panel bars of the crib should be of a uniform height of at least 26 inches. Same measurement goes for the panel posts.
  2. The slats must be narrow enough, ideally 2 inches wide so that your baby does not get his head or leg stuck in it.
  3. If you have a baby travel cot (that has wheels to transport it from one room to the other), then these wheels must have a proper locking mechanism.
  4. If the baby crib furniture has dropping rails, then this system should not be in reach of your baby.
  5. Consider safety: the cot must not have any pointed areas and the paint or stickers (if any) should not peel off.

Crib Mattress

  1. The cot/ crib mattress has to be firm. If you are selecting from second-hand baby crib bedding sets, make sure you replace the crib mattress and the baby bedding with a new one. The old crib mattress would possibly be unhygienic and soft from the middle (I don't want to scare you but think about the vomits, loose stool and milk etc. it could have absorbed if it is an old one).
  2. The crib mattress should exactly fit the cot – no empty spaces at sides. Generally a crib mattress has the size: 133cm X 71cm X 13cm.
  3. Make sure the baby bedding sheets are properly tucked in. If you are using a waterproof baby crib bedding beneath the loose sheet, make sure everything is nicely tucked in. Many parents prefer organic bed-sheets for their little one (so there are no rashes and other skin issues to the little one).

Wrong baby cribs may lead to SIDS

Improper using or tucking in the mattress and sheets may cause serious harm to your baby, and could even be life threatening. Read our article on Cot Death (SIDS).


  1. Avoid placing it in areas that are close to window and curtains. However, it is nice to get sunlight on the cot area.
  2. Avoid placing it near sharp objects, lamps, loose chords and power supplies. Go to our highly recommended article on Baby-proofing places you never thought you should.

When it comes to Comfort vs Style, Comfort is the clear winner.

We have a detailed section on baby furniture. If you are not co-sleeping with your baby and need to find a good nest for your little birdie to snooze in all day long, keep in mind the safety factors that have been discussed above before going out looking for baby cribs.

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