6 Reasons NOT to Breastfeed

You must be thinking, what could be the reasons not to breastfeed, when Breastfeed is the bestfeed! As poetic as these rhyming words may sound (hey, at least I am trying!), there shouldn't be any doubts about the authenticity of this statement. However (yep, there's always this "however" that takes away the goodness from a totally good thing - am I confusing you?)...so I was saying that there are some instances in which breastfeeding your baby is not a good idea, at all.

What are the reasons not to breastfeed? Check out the list of conditions in which you should NEVER breast feed your baby.

Top Reasons Not to Breastfeed Your Baby

In the following conditions, you can use an alternate approach (formula milk, breast milk bank, or arranging for some other woman to breastfeed your baby). Here are the top reasons not to breastfeed your baby:

You also need to avoid breastfeeding if your baby is diagnosed with Galactosemia.

  1. If you are suffering from TB (Tuberculosis) and it is still untreated.
  2. If you are taking antiretroviral medicines (ARV drugs).
  3. In case you are using an illegal (banned) drug and/or are dependent on it.
  4. When you are going through some sort of radiation (nuclear medicine) therapies.
  5. If you are suffering from AIDS or are HIV positive.
  6. If you are suffering from Breast Cancer, and are going through Chemotherapy and are taking antimetabolites that interfere with body’s cell division and DNA replication.

What Should I do if I cannot Breastfeed?

You have 3 options:

1. Breast Milk Bank

If you strongly want your newborn to benefit from the natural yet magical potion called breast milk, but are discouraged by your medical condition, there is good news for you. If you can afford, you can go to a milk-bank to get breast milk for your newborn baby. Ask your doctor about the milk bank services in your area.

2. Formula Milk

In other cases, formula milk is a good option that millions of mothers, who do not even have any breast milk issues, still prefer. Click here for all the help on formula feeding (bottle-feeding).

3. Arranging for an Alternate Breast

This could be hard but in many close-knit cultures, your baby's aunt or sometimes even the grand-mother can offer to breastfeed your baby. If they live in the same household, they can directly breastfeed the baby, or may pump breast milk and store it so that you can feed your baby the breast milk through a bottle.

When can you switch back?

If your doctor says that you are temporarily going through one of the above mentioned breastfeeding issues, you could just keep on pumping out some of your breast milk using a breast pump and  throw it away so that the breasts keep on producing the milk, and once your treatment is over and you are well again (not just feeling well, but are well to breast feed - there is a huge difference), you can resume breast-feeding. However, make sure you ask your doctor first.

The Emotional Angle

Whether you decide to get breast milk from a milk-bank or opt for formula milk, whatever you choose, do not be disheartened by the fact that you cannot breast-feed your bundle of joy. Your baby's love for you will not decrease if you do not breast-feed, nor will you have any problems connecting with your little one.

Your baby understands you well enough, and there is nothing in the world that could weaken this bond - after all, s/he is the only one who felt your heartbeats from your inside; what could be closer than this? 

Whatever your reasons not to breastfeed are, enjoy life with your baby - just like all mothers who breastfeed and bottlefeed do!

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