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I will share your question along with the answer on this page, so that fellow mothers (and fathers - fathers are inquisitive too!) can take help from these, and could relate, get motivated, or even add a comment or two, too. In case you want to send me a private message, you can use the Contact Me page. But I encourage being helped and then paying it forward - you never know if your question can help anyone in distress.

And don't forget to check out what our fellow parents/ guardians asked - sometimes it feels really good to know that we are not alone, on our own. So, ask, share and connect!

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Being a parent is an enormous life changing experience and no one ever said, "Being a parent is exactly the same as I thought it would be." ... Really, no one said that, ever !

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What Fellow Parents/ Guardians Have Asked:

Click below to see questions & answers from other parents ...

Prem baby 
How much formula can I mix for a 1.6kg baby that is now 3 weeks old

My 4 months daughter is vomiting nowadays. Even after finishing up her milk and getting burped, she still often feels uncomfortable and vomits. Earlier, …

How my three weeks baby boy must breath... slow or fast? I don't understand the breathing.

baby is not direct feeding after 1 month. 
My baby's weight was very less, about 1.6 kg, when he was born. So Dr told me not to go for direct feeding. Now he is not directly fed, and I have to use …

Potty training 
Please share when and how to start the potty training of a baby (boy)? Thanks

When does the baby starts noticing different voices and people? 
Will the BABY notice different voices and touches? I have my own way of talking and touching My Great Nephew?

increase breast milk 
i am 22 and have a baby 4 months,in the first of 2 month after delivery there is enough milk and after it decrease's,pls tell me how to increase the milk …

My baby sleeps with her eyes open. 
Why do some babies sleep with their eyes open, full or partial? Not always but sometimes.

Constipation and gas 
How can u help ur baby if he is constipated & has trapped wind?

How often should you bathe a newborn? 
My daughter's 12 weeks old and I'm not sure how many times I should be bathing her. At the moment, I only bathe her 2-3 times a week as my nurse said newborns …

Cutting newborn baby's finger nails 
When is it ok to start cutting my baby's finger nails?

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Frequently Asked Questions


What do to if your Baby wakes up at night and refuses to sleep?
Your baby may wake up in the middle of night for many reasons, but primarily due to hunger or feeling hot or cold. If your baby wakes up, try not to turn on the light as it will fully awake the baby. Cuddle your baby as he/ she may be feeling scared and offer him/ her milk. Check the diaper and whether the room temperature and clothes are comfortable. Try singing him/ her lullabies until your little one finally falls asleep.

Check out our Sleep section for all the help you need.

Is it Safe for your Baby to Sleep on a Carry-Cot for the Whole Night?
No. Carry-cots are a good replacement of actual cot/ crib when you are visiting a friend or are on the go. Even for day time naps, carry-cots can be really useful. However, for longer sleep duration you should always put your baby on a good crib so that the little bones of your baby can stretch and relax.

My Newborn does not sleep much – is that normal?
Every baby has his/ her own sleep routine. If your baby takes day naps, no matter how short each nap is, and he/ she feels fresh in the morning, it is a sign that the sleep he/ she is taking is adequate.

Can Baby Massages help to Improve Sleep?
Yes, massaging can help soothe a crying baby and it can help your baby fall asleep. For details refer to our article on baby massage.

How much Sleep does my Baby Need?
Sleep requirements may vary from baby to baby. If your baby does not fall asleep too much even after constant efforts, let him/ her stay awake. He/ she will sleep when he wants to. Having said that, make sure your baby follows a sleep routine that will not only be good for your baby, but will also make your life easy. Read our article on the Average sleep duration of babies.

Bottle/ Breastfeeding:

Is it Safe to Give Other Liquids in the Formula Bottle?
No, only water and formula milk should be poured in your baby’s milk bottle. Use a separate bottle for other liquids.

Which Formula Milk Brand to Use?
No formula milk can replace the nutrients of breast milk. However, if you want to switch to formula milk, talk to your doctor. The brands found in your local supermarket are more or less the same – their labels and advertising strategies might be different, but none of them is a carbon copy of your breast milk.

Can I use Microwave to warm milk?
We recommend NOT using a microwave to warm up expressed breastmilk or formula milk.  Microwave can damage some of the important nutrients found in breast milk. Also, since microwave heats up a liquid very fast, it may end up burning your baby’s delicate tongue. Try using a small milk pan specifically dedicated to heating your baby’s milk.

Can I mix breast milk with formula milk?
It is not recommended to mix both types of milks. Breast milk is far too precious to be mixed with a formula one. Try giving your child first the breast milk, and once it’s finished, you can then go for formula milk. This way, if your baby leaves some milk, the breast milk won’t get wasted.

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