Share your mother newborn bond
You Know You Are A Mom When...

As a mother newborn or your toddler is on your mind 24/7. Motherhood changes a lot of stuff - your body, your daily routine, preferences and even your personality.

Do you find this ever happening to you: You feel exhausted by the household and baby chores, and want some time out; but the moment you are given that time out (courtesy your spouse, mother, mother-in-law, friend or a nanny), your baby is all that you could think of.

Even when you go out for shopping, you end up getting more stuff for your little one than for yourself, even if s/he doesn’t really need most of it. Doesn't motherhood really change a woman!

Motherhood is constantly on our minds 24/7, and you are a mom365 days a year - no days off.

You know you are a Dad when...

Let's hear how dads feel! Click here to read: You Know You Are A Dad When...

Here are my top 20 reminders of being a mother. What are yours? Do share at the end of this page. Your friends and our readers would love to read it - and I will give them a permanent spot on this site :)

You know you are a MOM when...

  1. you happily sing lullabies and realize that you have a potential singer in you.
  2. you judge the quality of a restaurant by the kind of the baby-chairs they have.
  3. having 4 hours of continuous sleep seems like a miracle.
  4. you know the names of at least 4 different companies of baby diapers.
  5. you cannot find time to pee and it takes you 2.5 minutes to finish up shower.
  6. your baby immediately poops and starts to cry the moment you sit down to eat.
  7. you start to find BabyTV and Telly-Tubbies interesting.
  8. “casual wear” means wearing pajamas.
  9. your spouse tells you that you smell like baby lotion and mashed bananas.
  10. you dig into your purse to look for keys and it takes you 2 minutes to locate them buried under a storm of diaper, baby wipes, pacifier and a little stuffed toy.
  11. while changing diaper, you analyze the color and texture of your baby’s poop and don’t find it disgusting.
  12. you have tasted the formula milk while dripping it on your wrist to check if the temperature is just right.
  13. stains, while folding washed clothes, worry you.
  14. anything you see in light pink color reminds you of your baby girl; or anything you see in light blue reminds you of your newborn baby boy.
  15. your clothes have stains of stuff you cannot even identify.
  16. your average talk-time on phone (which was previously 35 minutes) is now 4 minutes.
  17. you start rocking your hands even during sleep.
  18. a sneeze by your baby gives you a huge electric shock.
  19. you realize the importance of your mother and develop new kind of respect for her.
  20. you cannot remember the last time you went to a spa, or for facial.
  21. you have the "super-power" of differentiating between different stains by smelling them.

Click here for some really funny mother newborn jokes and tag lines. Every mom needs a good laugh (and dads too!:))

Here's what my lovely twitter followers (@NewbornHub) shared about their mother newborn bond:

  1. For the first time in your life you are congratulating someone for burping rather than reprimanding them. (Gillian Beeby from UK)
  2. You don't care that you haven't had make-up on for days & your bag is full of baby wipes instead of lipstick. (Georgette Weil from Qatar)
  3. Your freezer is filled up with frozen/ mashed baby food; and half of the storage on your fridge's door contains your baby's cold/flu/fever medicine bottles. (Amy from UK)

Has becoming a mummy changed you? How?

You never knew you had this multi-tasking robot inside you that could work 24/7 while surviving sleepless nights!

Share your story here. Tell us (and the world) how motherhood changed you - physically and emotionally.

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